Connecting you to what's important
  • Not 55?

    Not over 55? Don’t worry, you can still benefit from great value for money fares thanks to our wide range of Advance tickets.

    Advance tickets are available to many great destinations including Manchester, Cardiff, Birmingham and Swansea. Whether you have plans to visit family and friends, fancy some retail therapy or simply want to explore scenic journeys to far off places, Advance tickets can help you have a great trip, whilst keeping the cost down.

    Advance tickets are available throughout the year, so you have plenty of time to plan your trips whenever you like.

    Advance tickets are subject to very limited availability, so don’t delay and get a great bargain today!

    How can I get an Advance Purchase ticket?
    To get these great fares make sure you:

    • Buy your tickets early, up to 12 weeks in advance. See how far ahead we've released Advance tickets here, and buy yours early!
    • Are flexible with dates and times.
    • Travel off-peak (usually it’s best to look between 09:30 and 16:00 on weekdays); this is where we usually make the cheapest tickets available, because this is where our services are less busy.

    How can I buy an Advance Purchase ticket?
    You can buy your Advance Purchase ticket:

    Full Terms & Conditions about Advance Purchase tickets available here.

    We look forward to welcoming you on board with a value for money Advance Purchase ticket.