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  • Travel Safe with Arriva Trains Wales

    Millions of people travel every day by train - very few become victims of crime.

    Unfortunately, our railways continue to be a target for crime by a senseless minority. Their irresponsible behaviour puts lives in danger - those of both our passengers and our staff.

    Fear of crime is as much a problem as the crime itself.  There are many simple precautions you can take to increase your confidence and make it less likely you will become a victim of crime.

    You are actually very safe when travelling by train.  Crime is not common and violent crime is rare.  Women are not usually the victims of violent crime.

    See it. Say it. Sorted.

    If you see something that doesn’t look right, speak to staff or text British Transport Police 61016.
    We’ll sort it. See it. Say it. Sorted.

    Plan your journey ahead

    You will feel more confident if you check train times and connections before travelling.  If you are travelling in a party, arrange a contact point in case you are separated.  Make sure everyone knows who to contact and how to get in touch with them before you go.  If travelling alone, let someone know that you have arrived safely.

    Know where you are going on arrival, get directions before you travel.  If you are being met, arrange a specific meeting point - some stations have several entrances and car parks.

    If a large event is taking place near a station - a football match, or concert for instance, the station will become very busy before and after the event.  It is probably not a good idea to arrange to meet someone there.


    Pickpockets love crowds.  Take precautions.  Most pickpocketing is usually theft from bags, so keep bags to the front, closed and with the fastening towards the body.  Be particularly careful with rucksacks.

    Women, because they tend to carry more bags than men, are the pickpockets' favourite targets, although wallets carried in back pockets are also attractive to this type of thief.  If a handbag has an interior zipped compartment, consider using it for cash and credit cards.

    Stranger in town?

    Some types of criminal, particularly pickpockets, target tourists.  If you are a stranger in the area, take particular care.  Try not to carry all your money and valuables with you.  Remember that your map or camera may mark you out as a visitor.

    Car Parking

    You don't want to return to find your car has been broken into or stolen.  Take precautions.  Make sure it's locked, the windows are fully closed and that if you have an alarm fitted, it is switched on.  Put any valuables or bags out of sight.

    Leave your car in a well lit area as near to the entrance as possible.  Try to envisage what the area will look like in the dark and avoid secluded areas.

    If you are unhappy walking through a car park, try to get someone you recognise to walk with you.  If staff are available, ask them to accompany you or watch you to the car.


    Young children are safer if they travel with an adult or friends.  You can prepare your child for  travelling by train by telling them the following: 

    • their route, the train times and details of any connections.  Write them down if requried
    • travel where there are as many people as possible
    • remind children how to behave on stations and trains.  They can be dangerous places. In particular, stand back from the plaform edge and never try to get on or off a moving train
    • don't run on platforms and mind the gap between the train and the platform
    • don't make too much noise and listen to announcements
    • never touch an unattended bag or package, but to report it to a member of staff
    • don't talk to strangers
    • who to approach if they are in difficulty or lost
    • how to recognise rail staff and police